a.   The amount of the annual dues for each upcoming year will be announced and discussed at the October meeting. A majority vote of members present at the November meeting will affect a change in the annual dues. Quorum must be present for a vote to be taken.

           b.   Annual dues shall be used for the operating expenses of the club, including the cost of the luncheons, philanthropic contributions approved by the membership, advertising and for any other purpose that has been approved by a majority vote of members present. Quorum must be present for a vote to be taken.

          c.    Dues are payable by February 15th of each year for all members. A late fee may be assessed after February 15th.

          d.    Life Members must continue to pay dues to keep their membership active.


1.            The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The President and Vice President shall be Life Members. Descriptions of each position are as follows:

a.       President – In addition to presiding over Club meetings, the President supervises the Officers and Coordinators and helps focus the direction of the Club as well as introduces new initiatives. The President is typically elected as Vice President the prior year and moves into this position.

b.      Vice President - Assists the President with his/her initiatives and with supervising the Coordinators as well as by filling in when the President is absent from a meeting. The Vice President also manages Marketing. The Vice President will become the President the following Membership Year.

c.       Recording Secretary - Takes meeting minutes and submits them within 48 hours to the Officers. The Recording Secretary shares the prior meeting’s minutes with the membership at each meeting.

d.      Corresponding Secretary - Assists the Events/Lunch Coordinator with orders and location planning. This position also manages communication to the membership at large.

e.      Treasurer - Oversees the Financials of the Club, monitors the bank account / credit card, and is in charge of paying invoices for Programming, Marketing, etc. The Treasurer provides a financial report at each meeting.

2.       The Executive Board shall consist of the five (5) elected officers for the current year and the two (2) previous Presidents who have most recently served.

3.       The term of the officers shall commence with the March meeting of each year and terminate at the March meeting of the following year.