1.        A nominating committee of three (3) people shall be appointed by the President. This committee shall nominate at least one (1) candidate for each office at the January meeting. Notice in writing to the membership shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the January meeting of the nominees selected by the Nominating Committee.

2.        Further nominations for all offices may be made from the floor at the January meeting after which the nominations will be closed.

3.        The annual meeting and election shall be held during the month of February at such time and place as designated by the Executive Board. At least ten (10) days prior written notice, including the slate of officers, shall be sent to all active members.

4.       Elections will be conducted by ballot if there are multiple candidates for any office. Otherwise, a vote of affirmation will be taken.

5.       A majority vote of members present will elect the officers for the ensuing year.



1.      Regular meetings shall be held nine times a year on the third Thursday of the month. An exception may be made if the regular meeting date falls on a holiday or if it is deemed appropriate by the officers. At least ten (10) days written notice of any such change shall be sent to the membership.

2.      Each member shall be given at least one week's notice as to the time and place of the meetings.

3.      The fiscal year of the Howard County Real Estate Million Dollar Club shall begin with the March meeting and end on the day prior to the March meeting of the succeeding year.

4.      Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be recognized as the authority governing the meetings of the Association, its Board of Directors and committees, in all instances wherein its provisions do not conflict with these By-Laws.



1.      To facilitate organization and planning for each meeting and coordination of communication, the Executive Board will seek and approve volunteers to act as Coordinators for Community Outreach/Charity, Membership, Event Planning/Lunches, Technology/Social Media, Program/Speakers, Legislative and any other organizational needs. The Executive Board, at its discretion, may appoint more than one volunteer to act as Co-Coordinator for each identified area.

2.      Coordinator volunteers shall re-apply each January, and Coordinators may be re-appointed on an annual basis.